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distribution inferred
v 7j
expected value
v 6j
v 5j v 6j
v 2j
v 7j
v 6j
v 3j
sliding window
t i = 6
t i = 7
Figure 2.7. An example of data cleaning based on a probabilistic model.
common probabilistic models to compute inferred values corresponding
to raw sensor values. The Kalman filter is a stochastic and recursive data
filtering algorithm that models the raw sensor value v ij as a function of
its previous value (or state) v ( i− 1) j as follows:
v ij = Av ( i− 1) j + Bu i + w i ,
where A and B are matrices defining the state transition from time t i− 1
to time t i , u i is the time-varying input at time t i ,and w i is the process
noise drawn from a zero mean multi-variate Gaussian distribution. In
[63], the Kalman filter is used for detecting erroneous values, as well as
inter/extrapolating missing sensor values. Jain et al. [29] also use the
Kalman filter for filtering possible dirty values.
Similarly, Elnahrawy and Nath [21] proposed to use Bayes' theorem to
estimate a probability distribution P ij at time t i from raw sensor values
v ij , and associate them with an error model, typically a normal distri-
bution. Built on the same principle, a neuro-fuzzy regression model [52]
and a belief propagation model based on Markov chains [13] were used
to identify anomalies. Tran et al. [65] propose a method to infer missing
or erroneous values in RFID data. All the techniques for inferring sen-
sor values also enable quality-aware processing of sensor data streams
[36, 37], since inferred sensor values can serve as the bases for indicating
the quality or precision of the raw sensor values.
3.2.3 Outlier Detection Models. An outlier is a sensor value
that largely deviates from the other sensor values. Obviously, outlier
detection is closely related to the process of sensor data cleaning. The
outlier-detection techniques are well-categorized in the survey studies of
[51, 8].
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