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since B preserves dot products as an orthonormal matrix (by inductive
hypothesis) and v ( w 0 ,l )
are orthonormal by construction.
The detailed hierarchical SVD algorithm is shown below. In practice,
the maximum level L is determined based on the length m of the time
series so far, L
log W ( m/w 0 ).
m , w 0 , W , L , k =6)
Algorithm 4 Hierarchical ( x R
Start with level l = 0, corresponding to window w 0
V ( w 0 , 0) , P ( w 0 , 0) , Σ ( w 0 , 0) ( w 0 , 0)
LocalPattern( x ,w 0 ,k )
W l
Levels l , corresponding to window w l = w 0
for level l =1to L do
V ( w 0 ,l ) , P ( w 0 ,l ) , Σ ( w 0 ,l ) ( w 0 ,l )
LocalPattern( P ( w 0 ,l− 1) ,W,k )
Compute patterns v0 ( w 0 ,l )
for window size w l are based on Equa-
tion (5.7)
end for
Choosing the initial window The initial window w 0 has some im-
pact on the quality of the approximations. This also depends on the
relationship of k to w 0 (the larger k is, the better the approximation
and if k = w 0 then P ( w 0 , 1) = X ( w 0 ) , i.e., no information is discarded at
the first level). However, we want k to be relatively small since, as we will
see, it determines the buffering requirements of the streaming approach.
Hence, we fix k = 6. We found that this simple choice works well for
real-world sequences, but we could also use energy-based thresholding
[33], which can be done incrementally.
If w 0 is too small, then we discard too much of the variance too
early. If w 0 is unnecessarily big, this increases buffering requirements
and the benefits of the hierarchical approach diminish. In practice, a
good compromise is a value in the range 10 ≤ w 0 20.
Finally, out of the six patterns we keep per level, the first two or
three are of interest and reported to the user. The remaining are kept
to ensure that X ( w 0 ,l ) is a good approximation of X ( w l ) .
Choosing the scales As discussed in Section 8.1.1, if there is a sharp
drop of π ( T ) at window w = T , then we will also observe drops at
multiples w = iT , i =2 , 3 ,... . Therefore, we choose a few different
starting windows w 0 and scale factors W that are relatively prime to
each other. In practice, the following set of three choices is sucient
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