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that end, we use techniques related to those for discovering correlations
across streams, illustrating the relationship between the two problems.
Let us first assume that someone gives us a window size. Then, the
problem we want to solve is the following:
Problem 8.1 (Fixed-window optimal patterns) Given a time se-
ries x t , t =1 , 2 ,... and a window size w , find the patterns that best
summarize the series at this window size.
w ,cho-
sen so that they capture “most” of the information in the series (in a
way that we will make precise later).
In practice, however, we do not know apriori the right window size.
Therefore, with respect to the second requirement (multi-scale), we want
to solve the following problem:
[ v i, 1 ,...,v i,w ] T
The patterns are w -dimensional vectors v i
Problem 8.2 (Optimal local patterns) Given a time series x t and
a set of windows
w 1 ,w 2 ,w 3 ,...
, find (i) the optimal patterns for
each of these, and (ii) the best window w to describe the key patterns
in the series.
So how do we go about finding these patterns? An elementary concept
we need to introduce is time-delay coordinates . We are given a time series
x t , t =1 , 2 ,... with m points seen so far. Intuitively, when looking for
patterns of length w , we divide the series in consecutive, non-overlapping
subsequences of length w . Thus, if the original series is a m × 1matrix
(not necessarily materialized), we substitute it with a w × w matrix.
Instead of m scalar values we now have a sequence of m/w vectors with
dimension w . It is natural to look for patterns among these time-delay
Definition 5.7 (Delay coordinates) Given a sequence denoted by
[ x 1 ,x 2 ,...,x t ,...,x m ] T and a delay (or window) w ,the delay co-
ordinates are a
w matrix with the t -th row equal to X ( w )
( t ) :=
[ x ( t 1) w +1 ,x ( t 1) w +2 ,...,x t w ] T .
Of course, neither x nor X ( w ) need to be fully materialized at any point
in time. In practice, we only need to store the last row of X ( w ) .
Also, note that we choose non-overlapping windows. We could also
use overlapping windows, in which case X ( w ) would have m−w +1rows,
with row t consisting of values x t ,x t +1 ,...,x t + w . In this case, there are
some subtle differences [23], akin to the differences between “standard”
wavelets and maximum-overlap or redundant wavelets [46]. However,
in practice non-overlapping windows are equally effective for pattern
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