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Table 5.1. Description of notation.
Symbol Description
x ,... Column vectors (lowercase boldface).
A ,... Matrices (uppercase boldface).
x t The n stream values x t := [ x t, 1 ···x t,n ] T at time t .
n Number of streams.
w i The i -th participation weight vector (i.e., principal direction).
k Number of hidden variables.
y t Vector of hidden variables (i.e., principal components) for x t , i.e.,
y t [ y t, 1 ···y t,k ] T := [ w T
x t ··· w k x t ] T .
x t Reconstruction of x t from the k hidden variable values, i.e.,
x t := y t, 1 w 1 + ··· + y t,k w k .
E t
Total energy up to time t .
E t,i
Total energy captured by the i -th hidden variable, up to time t .
f E , F E
Lower and upper bounds on the fraction of energy we wish to maintain via
SPIRIT's approximation.
best computed through the singular value decomposition (SVD) of X t .
Space requirements also depend on t . Clearly, in a stream setting, it
is impossible to perform this computation at every step, aside from the
fact that we don't have the space to store all past values. We will ad-
dress this problem in Section 6, where we present a solution that works
without buffering any past values.
4. Auto-Regressive Models and Recursive Least
In this section we review some of the background on popular forecast-
ing methods for time series.
4.1 Auto-Regressive (AR) Modeling
Auto-regressive models are the most widely known and used—more
information can be found in, e.g., [7]. The main idea is to express x t as
a function of its previous values, plus (filtered) noise t :
x t = φ 1 x t− 1 + ... + φ W x t−W + t ,
where W is a the forecasting window size. Seasonal variants (SAR,
SAR(I)MA) also use window offsets that are multiples of a single, fixed
period (i.e., besides terms of the form y t−i , the equation contains terms
of the form y t−Si where S is a constant).
If we have a collection of n time series x t,i ,1
n then multivariate
AR simply expresses x t,i as a linear combination of previous values of
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