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20. P. Rognon. Essai d'interpretation des variations climatiques au Sahara depuis 40,000 ans,
Revue Géographie Physique et Géologique Dynamique 18 (1976): 251-282; M. A. J. Williams and
D. A. Adamson, Late Pleistocene desiccation along the White Nile, Nature 248 (1974): 584-586.
21. H. J. Pachur and P. Hoelzmann, Palaeoclimatic implications of late Quaternary lacustrine
sediments in western Nubia, Sudan Quaternary Research 36 (1991): 257-276.
22. J. Maley, Palaeoclimates of central Sahara during the Holocene, Nature 269 (1977): 573-577.
23. S. E. Nicholson, Saharan climates in historic times, in The Sahara: Ecological Change and Early
Economic History , Ed. J. A. Allan, pp. 35-59 (London, U.K.: Menas Press, 1981).
24. N. J. Middleton, Effect of drought on dust production in the Sahel, Nature 316 (1985): 431-434.
25. N. Lancaster, The Namib Sand Sea: Dune Forms, Processes and Sediments (Rotterdam, the
Netherlands: Balkema, 1989).
26. N. Lancaster, Dunes on the Skeleton Coast, Southwest Africa/Namibia: Geomorphology and
grain size relationships, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 7 (1982): 575-587.
27. N. Lancaster, Aspects of the morphometry of linear dunes of the Namib Desert, South African
Journal of Science 77 (1981): 366-368; Good general reviews of the Namib Desert are provided by
R. F. Logan, The Central Namib Desert, South West Africa (Washington, DC: National Academy of
Sciences Press, 1960); G. Beaudet and P. Michel, Recherches Géomorphologiques en Namibie
Centrale (Strasbourg, Austria: Association Géographique d'Alsace, 1978).
28. N. Lancaster, Linear dunes of the Namib sand sea, Zeitshcrift für Geomorphologie , Supplementband
45 (1983): 27-49.
29. N. Lancaster, Aridity in Southern Africa: Age, origins and expression in landforms and
sediments, in Late Cainozoic Palaeoenvironments of the Southern Hemisphere , Ed. J. C. Vogel,
pp. 433-444 (Rotterdam, the Netherlands: A. A. Balkema, 1984).
30. W. G. Seisse, Aridification of the Namib Desert: Evidence from oceanic cores, in Antarctic Glacial
History and World Palaeoenvironments , Ed. E. M. van Zinderen Bakker, pp. 105-113 (Rotterdam,
the Netherlands: A. A. Balkema, 1978); W. G. Seisser, Late Miocene origin of the Benguela
upwelling system off northern Namibia, Science 208 (1980): 283-285.
31. K. W. Butzer, Archaeology and Quaternary environments in the interior of Southern Africa,
in Southern Africa Prehistory and Paleoenvironments , Ed. R. G. Klein, pp. 1-64 (Rotterdam, the
Netherlands: A. A. Balkema, 1984).
32. K. Heine and M. A. Geyh, Radiocarbon dating of speleothems from the Rotting Cave, Namib
Desert, and palaeoclimatic implications, in Late Cainozoic Palaeoenvironments of the Southern
Hemisphere , Ed. J. C. Vogel, pp. 465-470 (Rotterdam, the Netherlands: A. A. Balkema, 1984).
33. J. C. Vogel, Evidence of past climatic change in the Namib Desert, Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 70 (1989): 355-366.
34. S. Passarge, Die Kalahari , 2 vols. (Berlin, Germany: Reimer, 1904); D. S. G. Thomas and P. A. Shaw,
The Kalahari Environment (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1991).
35. D. S. G. Thomas, Late quaternary environmental change in Central Southern Africa with
particular reference to extension of the arid zone (PhD dissertation, Oxford University, Oxford,
U.K., 1984).
36. A. S. Goudie and D. S. G. Thomas, Pans in Southern Africa with particular reference to South
Africa and Zimbabwe, Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 29 (1985): 1-19.
37. F. Netterberg, Dating and correlation of caicretes and other pedocretes, Geological Society of
South Africa , Transactions 81 (1979): 379-392.
38. M. A. Summerfield, Silcrete as a palaeoclimatic indicator: Evidence from southern Africa,
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 41 (1983): 65-79.
39. D. S. G. Thomas, Geomorphic evolution and river channel orientation in northwestern
Zimbabwe, Geographical Association of Zimbabwe , Proceedings 14 (1984): 45-55.
40. E. Boocock and O. J. Van Straten, Notes on the geology and hydrogeology of the central
Kalahari, Bechuanaland Protectorate, Geological Society of South Africa, Transactions 65 (1962):
41. A. T. Grove, Landforms and climatic change in the Kalahari and Ngamiland, Geographical
Journal 135 (1969): 191-212.
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