Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Canalscape—A sustainable and authentic urbanism. (a) Existing canalscape site. (b) Proposed canalscape
design. (Courtesy of Jens Kolb.) (c) Conceptual image of the proposed Canalscape design. (Courtesy of Jens Kolb.)
along the urban energy meridians of the Phoenix region, canalscape would perform urban
acupuncture, bringing health and well-being to the city and its inhabitants.
While the canals offer distinctive settings for vital urban hubs, these are also emerg-
ing at street intersections and along certain arterials, particularly along the new light-rail
corridor. Throughout the metropolitan area, creative entrepreneurs with keen intuitions
about what is right for here and now—not architects or planners—have been making
indelible marks on the urban and cultural landscapes of the Phoenix area.
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