Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
(a) Townhouses provide an alternative to the single-family home. (b) Multistory condominium complexes
provide a compact community and efficient use of space. Both developments are urban infill projects with
nearby public transportation, bike lanes, and pedestrian pathways.
area residents and makes living in the community possible for those of limited means and
physical disabilities (Figure 19.7).
19.3.10 Preserving Open Space
Not all space is created equal. Some land holds higher intrinsic and community value
than its development potential. The preservation of open space is essential for commu-
nities to proactively address. Certain lands have importance for the community to pre-
serve scenic views, serve as recreational corridors, watershed protection, and public parks
among others. It behooves a community to identify those areas of open space with critical
and intrinsic value to the city before it becomes irreversibly committed to a development
project. Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona, have been in competition with developers for
choice tracts of land for open space preservation. The same tract that holds value for parks
and recreation has value for high-end home development in north Phoenix. Fortunately,
the current lull in home building due to the housing crisis is allowing municipalities to
buy up open space at discounted prices with little competition from commercial develop-
ers. Residents concerned with preserving open space in their community should consider
participating in public meetings on open space planning, joining a wilderness advocacy
group, or volunteer for environmental education projects on preserving the natural envi-
ronment (Figure 19.8).
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