Travel Reference
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poultry aves ah -vish
fish peixe pay -shee
seafood marisco mah- reesh -koo
fruit fruta froo -tah
vegetables legumes lay- goo -mish
dessert sobremesa soo-breh- may -zah
tap water água da torneira ah -gwah dah tor- nay -rah
mineral water água mineral ah -gwah mee-neh- rahl
milk leite lay -teh
(orange) juice sumo (de laranja) soo -moo (deh lah- rah n -zhan)
coffee café kah- feh
tea chá shah
wine vinho veen -yoo
red / white tinto / branco teen -too / brang -koo
glass / bottle copo / garrafa koh -poo / gah- rah -fah
beer imperial ay n -peh-ree- ahI
cheers! Saúde! sah- oo - deh
More. / Another. Mais. / Outro. maish / oh -troo
The same. O mesmo. oo mehsh -moo
The bill, please. A conts, por favor. ah- kohn -tah poor fah- vor
tip gorjeta gor- zheh -tah
Delicious! Delicioso! deh-lee-see- oh -zoo
For many more pages of survival phrases for your trip to Portugal, check out Rick Steves'
Portuguese Phrase Book
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