Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Cost and Hours: €4, daily June-Sept 10:00-19:00, Oct-May 10:00-18:00, museum
closed Mon but ruins are open, .
GettingThere: The ruins are nine miles southwest of Coimbra, on the road to Lisbon.
On weekdays, two buses leave for the ruins each morning across from Coimbra's Station
A (€2.15; Mon-Fri at 9:00, 9:30, 12:30, and 15:30; Sat-Sun at 9:30, 12:30, and 15:30;
bus stop is on the riverside opposite the station, 30-minute trip). The return bus leaves
from Conímbriga's parking lot (Mon-Fri at 12:55, 16:25, and 17:55; Sat-Sun at 13:25
and 18:25). Confirm the destination by asking, “Vai para Conímbriga?” Otherwise, you
could end up on one of the frequent buses to Condeixa (runs twice hourly) that stops a
mile short of the ruins.
Drivers should consider going to Conímbriga on the way to or from Coimbra; the
Conímbriga freeway exit is clearly marked from the A-1. To get there from the town cen-
ter, cross the Santa Clara Bridge and go uphill, following signs to Condeixa . Continue
straight through town, and you will see brown signs guiding you to the ruins.
Self-Guided Tour: Purchase your tickets inside the main building, then enter the
ruins before visiting the museum. Helpful arrows guide you through the sight. Explore
the remnants of the old town first, and save the mansion—under the protective modern
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