Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
tap Muslim wealth, and find Prester John's legendary Christian kingdom, said to exist
somewhere in Africa or Asia.
As head of the Order of Christ—a powerful brotherhood of soldier-monks—Grand
Master Henry used their money to found a maritime school at Sagres. While Henry
stayed home to update maps, debrief returning sailors, order supplies, and sign
paychecks, brave seamen traveled off under Henry's strict orders not to return until
they'd explored what was known as the “Sea of Darkness.”
They discovered the Madeira Islands (1420), which Henry planted with vineyards,
and the Azores (1427), which Henry colonized with criminals. But the next exped-
itions returned empty-handed, having run into a barrier—both a psychological and
physical one. Cape Bojador (at the southwest corner of modern Morocco), with its
reefs and currents, was seen as the end of the world. Beyond that, sea serpents roamed,
while the hot equatorial sun melted ships, made the sea boil, and turned white men
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