Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Lisbon powerful, with carved stone representing ropes, Manuel's coat of arms, armillary
spheres, and shields with the cross of Manuel's military, called the Order of the Cross.
Cost and Hours: €5, €10 combo-ticket saves you €2 if you also visit the cloisters at
the Monastery of Jerónimos, free Sun until 14:00, May-Sept Tue-Sun 10:00-18:30, off-
season until 17:30, closed Mon, last entry 30 minutes before closing, tel. 213-620-034.
The Age of Discovery
In 1560, you could sail from Lisbon to China without ever losing sight of land ex-
plored by Portugal. The riches of the world poured into the tiny nation—spices from
India and Java (black pepper, cinnamon, and curry powder); ivory, diamonds, and
slaves (sold to New World plantations) from Africa; sugarcane, gold, and diamonds
from Brazil; and, from everywhere, knowledge of new plants, animals, and customs.
How did tiny Portugal pull this off?
First, its people were motivated by greed, hoping to break the Arab and Venetian
monopoly on Eastern luxury goods (the price of pepper was jacked up 1,000 percent
by the time it reached European dinner tables). They were also driven by a crusading
Christian spirit, a love of science, and a spirit of adventure. An entire 15th-century
generation was obsessed with finding the legendary kingdom of the fabulously
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