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Projection of the space−time prism
Road network
Figure 5.4 A projection of a prism and a road network.
A trajectory on a road network RN is then a trajectory whose spatial projection
is in RN . In the remainder we consider a uniform speed limit v i on the network
to construct the space-time prism between two sample times t i and t i + 1 .
Space-Time Prisms in Road Networks
Using space-time prisms on a road network is usually more involved than sim-
ply taking the intersection of a space-time prism representing unconstrained
movement and the road network. Consider, for instance, the projection of the
unconstrained space-time prism along the time axis onto the xy -plane. This
projection is an ellipse such that its foci are the points of departure and arrival,
that is, p and q . At a time t between two instants t p and t q , the object's distance
to p is at most v max ( t t p ) and its distance to q is at most v max ( t q t ). Adding
those distances gives v max ( t t p ) + v max ( t q t ) = v max ( t q t p ), which is con-
stant. Therefore, all possible points a moving object with speed limit v max could
have visited must lie within this ellipse with foci p and q , and the sum of their
distances to p and q is less than or equal to v max ( t q t p ). Any trajectory that
touches the border of the ellipse and has more than two straight line segments
is longer than v max ( t q t p ) (see Figure 5.4 ). This particular trajectory lies in
the ellipse and hence in the intersection of the unconstrained space-time prism
and the road network, but it does not lie in the road network space-time prism
entirely , because there are points on it that can be reached in time but fromwhich
the destination cannot be reached in time, and vice versa. Just suppose a case
where there is no path on the road network from a vertex p that reaches another
one q in a given time interval . The intersection of the space-time prism with the
road network would not be empty. However, the road network space-time prism
clearly is, because there is no way to reach q from p using the network.
To define space-time prisms on a road network, we need an appropriate
distance function on the network. This distance measure is derived from the
shortest-path distance used in graph theory.
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