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Fig. 1.7. The canonical form ( right-hand side ) of the network shown on Fig. 1.5
( left-hand side ). That network has a single state variable x ( kT ) (output of neuron 3):
it is a first-order network. The gray part of the canonical form is a feedforward neural
y 3 ( kT ) ,u 1 ( kT ) ,y 4 [( k
1) T ]; therefore, its output is g ( kT ), which is the output
of the network. Hence, both networks are functionally equivalent.
Recurrent neural networks (and their canonical form) will be investigated
in detail in Chaps. 2, 4 and 8. Summary
In the present section, we stated the basic definitions that are relevant to the
neural networks investigated in the present topic. We made specific distinc-
tions between:
Feedforward (or static) neural networks, which implement nonlinear func-
tions of their inputs,
Recurrent (or dynamic) neural networks, which are governed by nonlinear
discrete-time recurrent equations.
In addition, we showed that any recurrent neural network can be cast into a
canonical form, which is made of a feedforward neural network whose outputs
are fed back to its inputs with a unit time delay.
Thus, the basic element of any neural network is a feedforward neural
network. Therefore, we will first study in detail feedforward neural networks.
Before investigating their properties and applications, we will consider the
concept of training.
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