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Fig. 3.2. Change of variables by PCA
Inertia on Centered and Reduced Data
For centered and reduced data, one has Tr X T X = n.
Consider a sub-space of dimension q<n , and denote by V n×q
the matrix
R q ; the scatter diagram projected on
R q is
associated with the projector on
represented by matrix XV , the inertia of which is
I q =Tr V T X T XV .
PCA defines the linear projection that maximizes I q , the value of the inertia
of the points computed in
R q . That problem is solved by finding the first axis
with respect to which the inertia is maximum, then a second axis, orthogonal
to the previous one, to carry on with the maximization of the inertia, and
so on up to the p th axis. The axes obtained are borne by the eigenvectors of
matrix X T X , ranked in order of decreasing eigenvalues λ i . The eigenvalues λ j ,
j =1 ,...,n are positive or zero, since matrix X T X is positive symmetrical.
The transformation to be performed on of the centered data to obtain the
main components is
R n
R q<n .
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