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if Z T Z is well conditioned. Otherwise, that computation will give values of
the leverages that are larger than 1, or negative.
A better solution consists in decomposing matrix Z as
Z = UWV T ,
U is an ( N , q ) matrix such that U T U = I .
W is a diagonal ( q,q ) matrix, whose diagonal terms called singular values
of Z , are positive or zero, and ranked in order of decreasing values.
V is a ( q,q ) matrix, such that V T V = VV T = I .
That decomposition, known as singular value decomposition or SVD decompo-
sition, is accurate and robust, even if Z is ill-conditioned, or has rank smaller
than q (see [Press et al. 1992], and Chap. 3).
Thus, one has
Z T Z = VWU T UWV T = VW 2 V T ,
( Z T Z ) 1 = VW 2 V T .
That decomposition allows the direct computation of matrix ( Z T Z ) 1 , the
elements of which can be written as
= q
k =1
Z T Z 1
V lk V jk
W 2
After some algebra, one gets
h kk = z k T Z T Z 1 z k =
Z kl Z kj Z T Z 1
l =1
j =1
and, finally
W ii
h kk =
Z kj V ji
i =1
j =1
Thus, the leverages can be computed without resorting to the computation
of ( Z T Z ) 1 , which is important in the case of ill-conditioned matrices. Since
the singular values are ranked in order of decreasing values, it is advantageous
to compute the leverages by varying i from q to 1, not from 1 to q .
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