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Fig. 2.43. Copy k of the feedforward neural network of the canonical form, for
semidirected training Nonadaptive (Batch) Training of Recurrent Input-Output
Models: Semidirected Training
Under the output noise assumption, or the output noise and state noise as-
sumption, the ideal model is a recurrent model, the inputs of which are
the control inputs and the outputs of the model at the n previous time
steps (under the assumption of output noise alone),
the control inputs, the outputs of the model and the modeling errors on a
suitable horizon p (under the NARMAX assumption).
Output Noise Assumption
Because the model is recurrent, its training, from a sequence of length N ,
requires unfolding the network into a large feedforward neural network, made
of N identical copies of the feedforward part of the canonical form. The input
of copy k (shown on Fig. 2.43) is
m +1)] T ,
the control input vector u ( k )=[ u ( k ) ,...,u ( k
the vector of outputs at time k and at the previous n time steps [ y ( k ) ,...,
y ( k
n +1)] T .
The output vector of copy k is the vector of the outputs at time k +1 and at
the previous n time steps [ r ( k +1) ,...,r ( k
n +2)] T . Therefore, the network
actually computes r ( k + 1) only, the other components of the output vector
being derived from the input vector by a unit delay. The output vector of copy
k is part of the input vector of the next copy, corresponding to time k +1.
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