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Arab traits and amulets are used. They bury in a kibory . Mass circumcision ceremonies are
carried out every seven years.
ANTANDROY (PEOPLE-OF-THE-THORNS) Traditionally nomadic, they live in the
arid south around Ambovombe. A dark-skinned people, they wear little clothing and are
said to be frank and open, easily roused to either joy or anger. Their women occupy an in-
ferior position, and it is fady for a woman to milk a cow. The villages are often surrounded
sava and sweet potatoes. They believe in the kokolampo , a spirit of either good or bad in-
fluence.TheirtombsaresimilartothoseoftheMahafalytribe.Sometimesitis fady among
them for a child to say his father's name, or to refer by name to parts of his father's body.
Thus he may say 'what he moves with' for his feet or 'the top of him' for his head.
ANTANOSY (PEOPLE-OF-THE-ISLAND) The island is a small one in the Fanjahira
River. They live in the southeast, principally around Taolagnaro (Fort Dauphin). Their so-
cial structure is based on clans with a 'king' holding great authority over each one. There
are strict fady governing relationships in the family. For example, a brother may not sit on
or step over his sister's mat. As with many other tribes there are numerous fady regarding
pregnancy: a pregnant woman should not sit in the doorway of the house; she should not
eat brains; she should not converse with men; people who have no children should not stay
inherhouseovernight.Other fady arethatrelativesshouldnoteatmeatatafuneralandthe
diggers opening a tomb should not wear clothes. When digging holes for the corner posts
of a new house it may be fady to stand up so the job must be performed sitting down.
BARA Originally in the southwest near Toliara, these nomadic cattle raisers now live in
the south-central area around Ihosy and Betroka. Their name has no special meaning but it
is reputed to derive from an African (Bantu) word. They may be polygamous and women
occupy an inferior position in their society. They attach importance to the fatidra or 'blood
pact'. Cattle-stealing is regarded as proof of manhood and courage, without which a man
wooden figures being eyelashes of real hair set into the wood. They believe in the helo , a
spirit that manifests itself at the foot of trees. In the past a whole village would move after
somebody died owing to the fear of ghosts. They use caves in the mountains for burial. It
is the custom to shave the head on the death of a near relative.
BETSILEO (THE-MANY-INVINCIBLES) They are centred in the south of the hauts
plateaux around Fianarantsoa but about 150,000 also live in the Betsiboka region. They
are energetic and expert rice-producers, their irrigated, terraced rice-fields being a feature
of the landscape. Famadihana was introduced to their culture by the Merina at the time
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