Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
press ( 72 210 30 ). Cybercafé Magnarobo ( Mon-Fri 08.00-12.00 & 14.00-18.00, Sat
08.00-12.00 ) has four computers and costs 200Ar/minute.
What to see and do There is an interesting entomological museum in Manakara Be
owned byan eccentric Frenchman, Yves Escarnot, whoalso runsa small shopcalled Jaca-
optère opposite the train station selling curiosities and handicrafts.
A couple of restaurants by the river run boattrips and hire out kayaks for exploring the
Pangalanes. If you need a local guide try Gilbert ( m 032 51 254 66 ) or Frostin ( m 032 46
875 91/032 55 376 68 ). Location Moto MJR ( m 032 43 561 37 ) rents motorbikes.
VOHIPENO Situated some 45km south of Manakara, this village is the centre of the An-
taimoro tribe who reportedly came from Arabia six centuries ago, bringing the first script
to Madagascar. Their Islamic history is shown by their clothing (turban and fez, as well as
Arab-style robes). They are the inheritors of the 'great writings', sorabe , written in Mala-
gasy using Arabic script. Sorabe continues to be written, still in Arabic, still on Antaimoro
paper.Thescribeswhopractisethisartareknownas katibo andthewritingandtheirknow-
ledge of it gives them a special power. The writing itself ranges from accounts of historical
events to astrology and the topics are considered sacred.
Beyond this point the road becomes more potholed.
FARAFANGANA On the map this appears to be a seaside resort, but its position near the
mouth of a river means that the beach and ocean are not easily accessible. The town is a
tinned and packet foods.
Getting there and away A taxi-brousse from Tana to Farafangana takes 14-20 hours
(33,000Ar), but most people will come here via Ranomafana (15,000Ar) or Manakara
(7,000Ar). Continuing to Vangaindrano costs 4,000Ar and takes an hour. Air Mad flights
connectFarafangana withTanaandMananjaryonceaweek(Farafangana office: m 03303
222 19; Mon-Fri 07.30-12.00 & 14.30-17.30 ).
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