Travel Reference
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shop and restaurant. Leader Price supermarkets in Tanjombato (on the way to Antsirabe)
and Ankorondrano ( en route to the airport) are well-stocked out-of-town stores, as are the
JumboScore supermarkets (at Tanjombato, Ankorondrano and on the Digue road), which
have the biggest selection of goods at the best prices.
BOOKS AND MAPS Good bookshops include Librairie de Madagascar [147 E3]
and Librairie Md Paoly [146 D2] on Avenue de l'Indépendance, and the well-stocked
LibrairieMixte [147E3]oppositeLeGlacier.NearRĂ©sidenceLapasoainIsoraka, CMPL
[146 C6] specialises in academic topics but also has many topics about Madagascar. For
importedbooks(mainlyFrench)try EspaceLoisirs [147F6]at11RueRatsimilaho, round
thecornerfromtheColbert.Bibliophilesshouldalsoexplorethesecondhand bookmarket
[147 H6] at the top of Rue du 26 Juin 1960.
Assorted maps may be found at many of the above, but the best selection is undoubtedly
at FTM ( Rte Circulaire, Ambanidia; 22 229 35; e ; ;
Mon-Fri07.30-16.00 ).Theypublishaseriesof12folded1:500,000maps,togethercover-
ing Madagascar (10,000Ar each) as well as a broad range of other maps at different scales.
PHOTOGRAPHY Several Fuji and Photorama shops in Tana cater for digital camera
users. Among other services they can transfer your photos to a CD. There is a convenient
one just past Le Grand Mellis on Rue Indira Gandhi. Also recommended is DMT Photo
[147 G6] in the upper town.
CAMPING AND OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT A new outdoor store, CS Events (Rte
du Mausolée, Andrainarivo; 22 413 82/24 383 43; m 032 02 143 79/033 12 576
11; f 2241611; e; ;
Mon-Fri 08.0-18.00, Sat 08.00-13.00 ), has opened on the eastern side of Tana selling
camping, hiking and survival equipment: tents, sleeping bags, rucksacks, binoculars, GPS,
torches, camp stoves, penknives, first-aid kits, hammocks, mosquito nets, walking poles,
etc) that you will not find elsewhere in Madagascar.
Banks open Monday to Friday, and a few also on Saturdays. Most banks in Tana now have
ATMs and will change travellers' cheques as well as cash (the best exchange rates are
usually found at SOCIMAD). Visa is accepted at most banks and you can now use Master-
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