Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Tim Healy
The coast and islands of Madagascar can be divided into key regions based on the
principal marine ecosystems and the presence of important species of fish, birds,
turtles and marine mammals.
NORTH Composed principally of coral reefs, lagoons, mangroves and an abundance
portant species seen in this area include whale sharks, turtles and manta rays. Due to
ted by several hotels and dive centres which offer diving and snorkelling excursions.
Sites Islands and coral reefs : Archipelago of Nosy Mitsio including Ilots des Quatres
Iranja, Nosy Haramy and Nosy Milomboka, Nosy Faho, Nosy Mangabe, Nosy Tanik-
ely (unofficially protected area), islands of the Baie d'Emeraude (Nosy Antaly-Be,
Nosy Suarez, Nosy Lava), Nosy Lowry, and Nosy Ankao. Continental shelf from
Nosy Be to Antsiranana (sites with specific coral and topographic formations). Man-
groves and estuaries: Ambanja and Antsiranana.
WEST Characterised by extensive beaches, several rocky rivers and large estuaries
supporting extended mangroves. Most of this region's small islands and coral reefs
areseldomvisited.Itscoastoffersenormouspotential forqualitydivetourism.Hotels
and dive centres are limited.
Sites Islandsandcoralreefs: Kirindy-Miteacoastandsmallislands,andNosyBarren
(severalsmallislands). Mangrovesandestuaries: Tsiribihina,Betsiboka,Mahajamba,
Manambolomaty, and Mahavavy estuary.
SOUTHWEST Composedofavarietyofhabitatsincludinglargeareasofmangroves
and vast lagoons lined with endless beaches. Some of the most notable sites are loc-
ated within one of the largest coral reef systems in the world stretching over 150km
where access to various marine sites is assured.
Sites Islandsandcoralreefs: Mikeacoastalreef,islandsandlagoons,Toliara'sGrand
Récif (frontal reef wall and pools), NosyVe and reefs, and NosyManitse. Continental
shelf from Toliara to Morombe (sites with specific coral and topographic formations).
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