Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Half ofthis entrance fee goestoMadagascar National Parksandhalf tolocal communities,
so each visitor is playing his or her part. Permits are always available at the park entrance
(besuretogetareceipt)butyoumaywishtovisittheofficeinAntananarivoor www.parcs- .
GUIDES It is obligatory to be accompanied by a guide in all parks and reserves. Note that
the permit price does not include their fee. Guide prices vary from park to park but a list
of agreed rates is normally on display at each park entrance. Additionally it is usual to tip
your guide for good service (see Click Here ) .
Reserves run by other organisations normally also require you to take a guide, although
the entrance permit and guide fee are usually combined into a single fee often charged ona
per-circuit basis.
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