Travel Reference
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ted coua, Rand's warbler, coral-billed nuthatch vanga and Tylas vanga. In rank herb-
aceous growth, look for Madagascar wood-rail, white-throated rail and Madagascar
In Mantadia, the pitta-like, scaly (rare) and short-legged ground-rollers occur, as
do velvet asity, common sunbird asity and brown emutail. Two wetlands nearby,
the Torotorofotsy Marsh (a four-hour walk) and the more accessible Ampasipotsy
Ranomafana Above all, Ranomafana is known for its ground-rollers (pitta-like and
rufous-headed especially). Other 'megaticks' include brown mesite, yellow-browed
oxylabes, Crossley's babbler, grey-crowned tetraka (greenbul), forest rock-thrush and
Pollen's vanga. Velvet and common sunbird asities are plentiful. On high ridges, look
for yellow-bellied sunbird asity, brown emutail and cryptic warbler.
Masoala Birding in this lowland rainforest is exceptional. Aside from nearly all the
broadly distributed rainforest endemics, specials include brown mesite, red-breasted
coua, scaly ground-roller and the helmet and Bernier's vangas. The extremely rare
Madagascar serpent eagle and Madagascar red owl have a stronghold here but seeing
them is extremely difficult: both are highly elusive.
Ankarafantsika (Ampijoroa) An outstanding birding locality year-round, this forest
holds most of the specials of western Madagascar. They include white-breasted mes-
ite, Coquerel's coua, Schlegel's asity and Van Dam's vanga. Several other vangas
(sickle-billed, rufous, Chabert's, white-headed, blue and rufous) abound. Raptors in-
clude the critically endangered Madagascar fish eagle, Madagascar harrier-hawk and
crested ibis and Madagascar pygmy kingfisher. In the Betsiboka Delta (Mahajanga)
look for Humblot's heron, Madagascar teal, Madagascar white ibis and Madagascar
Zombitse-Vohibasia A serious 'OOE' (Orgasmic Ornithological Experience) year-
round and included in all birding itineraries for its 'megatick': the Appert's tetraka.
Zombitse also holds an impressive variety of other endemics, like giant and crested
couas. Look out for Madagascar partridge, Madagascar buttonquail, Madagascar
sandgrouse, greater and lesser vasa parrots, grey-headed lovebird, Madagascar green
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