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Using promises, we can flatten this to the following (just like we did in this recipe):
then(function (value4) {
// Do something with value4
catch(function (error) {
// Handle any error from all above steps
If we were to rewrite the Three.js library, we could have used promises in Three.js
internally, but since Three.js already uses callbacks, we had to use the Q.defer()
function provided by Q to convert these callbacks to promises.
There is more...
We only touched a small part of what is possible with the Q promises library. We
used it for synchronous loading, but Q has many other useful features. A very good
starting point is the Q wiki available at .
See also
• Just like every recipe that loads resources you have to make sure that you
run it either with a local web server, see the Setting up a local web server us-
ing Python recipe or the Setting up a web server using Node.js recipe, or dis-
able some security settings (see the Solving cross-origin-domain error mes-
sages in Chrome recipe or the Solving cross-origin-domain error messages
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