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Setting up a local web server using
If you would like to test your Three.js applications, then as described in the How to
set up a local web server with Python recipe, you can run it in three different ways. If
the first two approaches fail, you can always use a simple portable web server using
Mongoose. This recipe will focus on the Mongoose approach.
Getting ready
Before you run Mongoose, you first have to download it. You can download Mongoose
from .
How to do it...
1. The platform you are using will affect how you run Mongoose. If you're running
Windows, you can just copy the downloaded file (an executable) to the folder
from where you want to host your files from (for example, the directory where
you extracted the sources for this topic), and double-click on the executable
to start the web server on port 8080.
2. For Linux or OS X platforms, you will also need to have a copy of the down-
loaded file in the directory where your files are located, but you have to start
Mongoose from the command line.
See also
• If you can't install a local web server, you can take a look at the Solving cross-
origin-domain error messages in Chrome recipe. This recipe provides you with
an alternative way of running the more advanced Three.js examples.
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