Graphics Reference
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Adding a simple collision detection
When you're creating games or interactive environments, a common requirement is
the option to detect collisions between objects. In the Adding a physics engine recipe,
we use an external library to handle collisions (and other physics). This, however, is a
rather heavy solution if all you require is the option to detect collisions. In this recipe,
we provide a simple approach that you can use if you want to detect collisions without
having to use an external library.
Getting ready
In this recipe, we use THREE.Raycaster to check for collisions. This object is
provided by the standard Three.js distribution, so you don't need any additional librar-
ies. We've provided a simple example that shows you how this recipe can be applied.
For this, open the 07.06-add-simple-detection-collision.html example in
your browser, and you will see something similar to what is shown in the following
In this example, you can move the central cube around using the arrow keys and ro-
tate it around the y axis with the a and b keys. Whenever a collision occurs with one
of the other cubes, we change the opacity to indicate a collision.
How to do it…
To accomplish collision detection, we need to take a couple of steps:
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