Graphics Reference
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This is the starting point of this recipe.
4. If you want to preview the crow animation, click on the play button or use the
Alt + A key combination.
We have also provided an example that you can open in your browser to see
the same animation in a Three.js scene. When you open the 07.05-create-
skeleton-animation-in-blender.html example in your browser, you should
see something like this:
How to do it…
Before we can use the model in Three.js, we first have to export it from Blender:
1. To start the export, first navigate to File | Export | Three.js .
2. In the window that opens, we can select a destination and a filename. For
this recipe, name the file crow.js and set the destination to the assets/
models/bones folder.
3. Before we hit the Export button, we need to configure some Three.js-specific
properties. You can do this in the panel on the left-hand side in the Ex-
port Three.js section. In that section, make sure that the Bones , Skinning ,
and Skeletal animation checkboxes are selected. If the Morph Animation
checkbox is selected, disable it. Once you've checked the box, click on the
Export button.
4. Now that we've exported the model, the first thing we need to do in Three.js
is load the model using THREE.JSONLoader :
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