Graphics Reference
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The first property, castShadow , tells Three.js that this light casts shadows.
As casting shadows is an expensive operation, we need to define the area
where shadows can appear. This is done with the shadowCameraNear ,
shadowCameraFar , and shadowCameraFov properties.
5. Three.js uses something called a shadow map to render the shadows. If your
shadow looks a bit blocky around its edges, it means the shadow map is too
small. To increase the shadow map size, set the following properties:
spotLight.shadowMapHeight = 2048;
spotLight.shadowMapWidth = 2048;
Alternatively, you can also try to change the shadowMapType property of
THREE.WebGLRenderer . You can set this to THREE.BasicShadowMap ,
THREE.PCFShadowMap , or THREE.PCSSoftShadowMap .
6. The last step is to add THREE.SpotLight to the scene:
Determining the correct properties for the various THREE.SpotLight properties
can be difficult. In the following section, we'll explain a bit more how the various prop-
erties affect the area where shadows are rendered.
How it works...
When you want to use THREE.SpotLight as a light source that can cast shadows,
Three.js needs to know the area that will be affected by these shadows. You
can compare this with the arguments you use to configure
THREE.PerspectiveCamera . So, what you do with the shadowCameraNear ,
shadowCameraFar , and shadowCameraFov properties is define where Three.js
should render shadows. Determining the correct values for these properties can be
a bit difficult, but luckily, Three.js can visualize this area. If you set the shadowCam-
eraVisible property of THREE.SpotLight to true , Three.js will show you the
affected area, as shown in the following screenshot:
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