Graphics Reference
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recipe, so if you haven't read the How it works… section from the Using a cubemap
to create reflective materials recipe, please do that first. The main difference is that
for this recipe, we create a cubemap on the fly with THREE.CubeCamera instead of
using a static one. When you instantiate THREE.CubeCamera , you're really creat-
ing six THREE.PerspectiveCamera objects—one for each side of the cubemap.
Whenever you call updateCubeMap , as we do in this recipe in the render loop,
Three.js just renders the scene using these six cameras and uses the render results
as the cubemap to be used.
There's more…
In this recipe, we showed you how to make one mesh reflect the complete scene.
If you create separate THREE.CubeCamera objects for each of the meshes in the
scene, you can create a dynamic cubemap for all the objects. Keep in mind, though,
that this is a rather computationally-intensive process. Instead of rendering the scene
once, you incur six additional render passes for each cube camera you use.
See also
• For a static cubemap, you can use the steps explained in the previous re-
cipe,which is the Using a cubemap to create reflective materials recipe
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