Graphics Reference
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In this recipe, we created the cubemap object by providing six separate images.
There is, however, an alternative way to create the cubemap object. If you've got a
360 degrees panoramic image, you can use the following code to directly create a
cubemap object from that image:
var texture = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture(
new THREE.UVMapping());
Normally when you create a cubemap object, you use the code shown in this recipe
to map it to a skybox. This usually gives the best results but requires some extra
code. You can also use THREE.SphereGeometry to create a skybox like this:
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(
new THREE.SphereGeometry( 500, 60, 40
new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map:
texture }));
mesh.scale.x = -1;
This applies the texture to a sphere and with mesh.scale , turns this sphere inside
Besides reflection, you can also use a cubemap object for refraction (think about
light bending through water drops or glass objects):
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