Graphics Reference
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2. Now, we'll create a simple geometry that we can export with the Three.js plu-
gin we installed. For this, click on Add in the bottom menu and select Mon-
key , as shown in the following screenshot:
Now, you should have an empty scene in Blender with monkey geometry in
the middle:
3. We can export this monkey to Three.js using the plugin we installed in the
Getting ready section of this recipe. To do this, navigate to Export | Three.js
in the File menu. This opens up the export dialog where you can determine
the directory to export the model to. In this Export dialog, you can also set
some additional Three.js-specific export properties, but the default properties
usually are okay. For this recipe, we exported the model as monkey.js .
4. At this point, we've exported the model and can now load it with Three.js.
To load the model, we only have to add the following JavaScript to the Get-
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