Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
In this function, you can see that we increase the rotation property of
the THREE.Mesh object with the value set in the control GUI. This results
in the animation you can see in the screenshot in the Getting ready section.
Note that the rotation property is of the THREE.Vector3 type. This means
that you can also set the property in one statement using
cube.rotation.set(x, y, z) .
How it works...
When you set the rotation property on THREE.Mesh , as we do in this example,
Three.js doesn't directly calculate the new positions of the vertices of the geometry.
If you print out these vertices to the console, you'll see that regardless of the rota-
tion property, they will stay exactly the same. What happens is that when Three.js
actually renders THREE.Mesh in the renderer.render function, it is at that exact
point that its exact position and rotation is calculated. So when you translate, rotate,
or scale THREE.Mesh , the underlying THREE.Geometry object stays the same.
See also
There are different ways to rotate an object besides the one we showed here:
• In the upcoming Rotating an object around a point in space recipe, we'll show
you how you can rotate an object around an arbitrary point in space instead
of its own axis, as we showed in this recipe
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