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There are other parallels between the series of complexes B
XY and
HX have, in general,
similar binding strengths, as measured by the intermolecular stretching force
constant k σ ,andbothare,forthemostpart,weaklybound.Wehavealsoshown
in Sect. 5 that the electric charge redistribution that occurs when B
HX. We established in Sect. 4 that B
XY and B
XY is
formed from its components B and XY is generally small (exceptions among
both halogen- and hydrogen-bonded complexes were discussed).
The striking parallel behaviour among the various properties of B
and B
HX suggests that the origin of the halogen-bond interaction might be
similar to that of the hydrogen bond interaction. An electrostatic model has
had much success in predicting angular geometries, both qualitatively [103,
104] and quantitatively [206]. In first approximation, an electrostatic model is
one which takes into account only the interaction of the unperturbed electric
charge distributions of the two component molecules as they come together
to form the complex in its equilibrium conformation, with contributions from
interactions of any induced moments assumed minor. The empirical rules
set out in Sect. 3 and this section for hydrogen-bonded and halogen-bonded
complexes, respectively, are inherently electrostatic in origin. The reason why
the electrostatic component of the energy is definitive of the angular geom-
etry has been investigated in detail through ab initio calculations [207] for
H 2 O
HF. The systematic behaviour of the intermolecular force constants k σ
of hydrogen-bonded complexes has been discussed in terms of a predomin-
antly electrostatic interpretation [181].
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