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zz (X)
χ aa (X) =
P 2 (cos
zz (Y)
χ aa (Y) =
P 2 (cos
in which
is the instantaneous angle between a axis and the XY internu-
clear axis z and
is the second Legendre coefficient. Substitution of
Eqs. 7 and 8 into Eqs. 5 and 6 leads to the following expressions for
P 2 (cos
δ p ,
the fractions of an electronic charge transferred from B to X and from X to Y,
respectively, when B
δ i and
XY is formed:
0 (Y)
χ A (Y)
- χ
aa (Y)
χ A (Y)
δ P =
P 2 (cos
- χ aa (X)
χ A (X)
χ 0 (X)
χ A (X)
χ 0 (Y)
χ A (Y)
+ χ aa (Y)
χ A (Y)
δ i =
P 2 (cos
Hence, the inter- and intramolecular electron transfer
δ i e and
δ p e can be de-
termined once the value of P 2 (cos
) is available. It has been possible to make
good estimates of the last quantity for members of each of the series B
Cl 2 ,
BrCl, B
Br 2 and B
ICl as follows. By making the reasonable assump-
δ i = 0 in the weak complexes Ar
tion that
BrCl [57] and Ar
ICl [93], the
β av =cos -1 cos 2
β 1 / 2 = 6.4
and 5.4 , respectively, and
δ p = 0.0035(6)
and 0.0054(1), respectively, are determined. The very small values of
δ p jus-
δ i = 0 initially. All other complexes B
and B
ICl considered are much more strongly bound than Ar
BrCl and
av (in the range of 5.0(5)
and 4.0(5) , respectively) were assumed. Moreover,
ICl, respectively, and so smaller values of
P 2 (cos
is close to
unity even for the Ar complexes and changes so slowly as
β av deceases that
any errors incurred by such assumptions are negligible. A similar treatment
was employed for B
Br 2 and B
Cl 2 complexes using OC
Br 2 [87] and
Cl 2 [39] as the complexes appropriate to the weak limit having
δ i =0,
in the absence of experimental knowledge of linear complexes Ar
Br 2 and
Cl 2 .Hence,valuesof
δ i and
δ p have been determined for the four se-
ries B
XY, where B is N 2 ,CO,C 2 H 2 ,C 2 H 4 ,PH 3 ,H 2 S, HCN, H 2 OandNH 3
and XY is Cl 2 ,Br 2 , BrCl and ICl. Some systematic trends are evident in
δ i and
δ p .
i against the first ionisation potential I B of
the Lewis base B for each of the three series B
Figure 20 displays plots of
Cl 2 ,B
BrCl [55] and
ICl [178]. Each set of points can be fitted reasonably well by a function
δ i = A exp(- aI B ). This function is shown by a continuous line in each case.
The points for the series B
Br 2 lieveryclosetothosefortheB
BrCl series
and are omitted for clarity.
Figure 20 demonstrates that there is a family relationship among the
curves and that the smaller the energy required to remove the most loosely
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