Chemistry Reference
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rotational spectroscopy. Each complex has the planar, T-shaped geometry of
C 2 v symmetry that is predicted by applying rule 2 using the
-bonding model
of ethyne.
B Carries Pseudo-π-Pairs
Cyclopropane resembles an alkene in its chemical behaviour. This fact led
Coulson and Moffitt [136] to propose a model for cyclopropane in which
carbon-carbon bond is formed by overlap of a pair of sp 3 hybrid
orbitals on adjacent carbon atoms. A schematic diagram showing the elec-
tron density distribution between a pair of C atoms in cyclopropane resulting
from such a model is shown in Fig. 12. The symmetry axis of the pseudo-
bital coincides with a median of the cyclopropane equilateral triangle. Hence,
according to rule 2, the angular geometry of cyclopropane
ClF [73], or of
HCl [137], is predicted to have C 2 v symmetry, with ClF, or
HCl, lying along the extension of the median. The electrophilic end
+ Cl of
ClF, or δ + H of HCl, is expected to interact with the pseudo-
electron dens-
Fig. 12
(drawn to scale) and the Coulson-Moffitt pseudo- π -electron model of cyclopropane. See
Fig. 1 for key to the colour coding of atoms
The experimental geometries of cyclopropane
HCl and cyclopropane
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