Chemistry Reference
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Fig. 3 Detail of the O
I interaction in the binary system associating the 4-amino-2,2,6,6-
tetramethyl(piperidin-1-yloxyl) radical 7 with p TFDIB
tance (2.827(9)A) is much shorter than the sum of the van der Waals radii
(3.48A), and comparable to the I
O distances found in halogen bonded
systems with pyridine N -oxide (2.75 A ) [34]. The C - I
mately linear (175 ) and the N - O
I characteristics indicate that the halo-
gen bond forms along the lone pair direction of the oxygen. These two recent
examples demonstrate that halogen bonding is a promising, largely unex-
plored tool for the construction of novel nitroxide assemblies, comparable in
that respect to hydrogen bonding and transition-metal coordination.
The attractive possibility of spin delocalization through the halogen bond
was not specifically addressed for these compounds, because the central car-
bon atom of the ONCNO moiety is known to be a node of the SOMO of
nitronyl nitroxides, hence little delocalization is expected from substitution
at this point. However, the influence of halogen bonding on the - N - O ·
group was investigated recently in solution by EPR spectroscopy [35]. In-
deed, addition of an iodoperfluorocarbon to the TEMPO radical molecule 2
causes a substantial increase of the nitrogen hyperfine splitting, a N ,ofthe
nitroxide, a behaviour related to an increase of the spin density on the ni-
trogen atom upon halogen bond formation. Furthermore, the equilibrium
constants ( K 1 ) for the formation of the halogen bonded systems were deter-
mined, since, at the timescale of the EPR spectroscopy, the experimental spec-
trum represents the concentration-weighted average of the spectra due to the
free and halogen bonded radicals. The strongest interaction was found with
iodoperfluoroalkanes and the temperature dependence of K 1 afforded the
corresponding thermodynamic parameters,
H =- 7.0
0.4 kcal mol -1 and
H value of - 7 kcal mol -1
compares favourably with strong hydrogen bonded systems.
S =- 18.1
1.4 kcal mol -1 K -1 . Note that this
Conducting Materials Based on Tetrathiafulvalenes
The involvement of halogen bonding in conducting molecular materials is
essentially based on the use of halogenated TTFs in electrocrystallization ex-
periments with counter ions of Lewis base character prone to act as halogen
bond acceptors. This concept was first successfully introduced by Imakubo
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