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Peasants' movement in left-bank Ukraine and in
Georgian Guria.
Disturbances in Odessa.
(August) Treaty of Portsmouth, New Hampshire,
ends Russo-Japanese War.
First congress of Muslims in Nizhnii Novgorod.
Government offers “Bulygin Duma.”
(October) General strike across Russia and Poland.
St. Petersburg Soviet formed.
October Manifesto issued promising civil liber-
ties and representative institutions, including
a parliament known as the State Duma.
Pogroms against Jews in western part of empire.
Restoration of Finland's autonomy.
(December) Moscow Uprising begins; violently
Third Congress of the Social Democratic Party.
Establishment of Union of Liberation, a left-lib-
eral political organization.
Second Congress of the Social Democratic Party
in London results in internal division between
Bolsheviks, led by Lenin, and Mensheviks, led
by Martov.
Labor strikes in south Russia.
Anti-Semitic pogrom in Kishinev.
Property of Armenian Church confiscated.
Assassination of V. I. Plehve, minister of the inte-
Corporal punishment abolished.
Zemstvo “banquet” campaign demanding con-
stitution begins in November.
General strike in Tbilisi and Baku.
Revolution of 1905, followed by peasant distur-
bances that last until 1907.
(January) Second Congress of Muslims, St.
Founding of Union of Muslims of Russia (Ittifak).
(February) Nicholas calls for the meeting of the
new State Duma.
(April-July) First Duma in session.
(May) Fundamental Laws (constitution) pro-
mulgated. First Duma opens.
(July) Petr Stolypin becomes prime minister;
Vyborg Manifesto.
(November) Legislation enables peasants to
leave their communes and consolidate their
land holdings.
Fourth Congress of the Social Democratic Party.
Russo-Japanese War.
(January) Russia surrender Port Arthur to Japan.
Bloody Sunday. 1905 Revolution begins. Mass
strikes and demonstrations in Poland, “west-
ern provinces,” and Baltic provinces.
Grand Duke Sergei, second cousin to the czar
and commander of the Moscow military
region, is assassinated.
(February-March) Battle of Mukden.
(March) Founding of Association for Equal
Rights for Jews.
(April-May) Tolerance edicts reduce discrimina-
tion against non-Christian faiths.
(May) Destruction of Russian fleet at Tsushima
by Japanese.
(June) General strike and fighting on the barri-
cades in Lodz, Poland.
Sailors mutiny on the battleship Potemkin on the
Black Sea.
(March) Second Duma opens (February-June).
(June) Stolypin changes election law; introduces
more restrictive franchise.
Redemption payments and arrears canceled.
Fifth Congress of the Social Democratic Party.
Emergence of Triple Entente (France, Britain,
and Russia) against Triple Alliance (Germany,
Austria-Hungary, and Italy).
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