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the COPERT IV model has been employed. In this study the COPERT methodol-
ogy has been used with a bottom-up approach, focusing at municipal level instead
of national, then including local parameters relating to fleet, driving patterns,
medium trips, the average vehicle speed and the fuel consumption. Besides, it has
also considered the journeys of residents in towns surrounding Naples which daily
commute to work and study places.
By means of the analysis of research results it has been found that in relation to
the gasoline passenger cars, a high percentage is still represented by EURO 0
vehicles, with obvious repercussions on emissions. Indeed, in the Naples munici-
pality, the renewal of the vehicle fleet is extremely slow compared to other Italian
regions. In relation to diesel passenger cars, much more favorable results have been
observed; in fact this vehicle category is on average younger than the gasoline pas-
senger cars.
These inventories, moreover, must be considered as dynamic instruments since
both updating of information as well as data reliability and details are in continuous
evolution and improvement.
1. CORINAIR (1988) “European Inventory of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere”,
Commission of the EC - CORINAIR project, DG XI, 30/3/1988.
2. Eggleston S, Gaudioso D, Gorissen NRC, Samaras Z (1993) “CORINAIR 1990 Emissions
from Road Traffic. Methodology and Emission Factors”
3. Bellasio R, Bianconi R, Corda G, Cucca P (2006) - Emission inventory for the road transport
sector in Sardinia
4. MINISTERO DEI TRASPORTI (1990-2000): “Conto Nazionale dei Trasporti”
5. ACI (2206) “Annuario Statistico - Automobilismo e Trasporti”, Direzione Centrale
Coordinamento Centro Studi, Ufficio Statistica, Roma, 2006
6. MINISTERO DELL'INDUSTRIA “Bollettino Petrolifero - vari anni”
7. APAT - Qualità dell'Ambiente Urbano, III Rapporto
8. Migliaccio M (2005) “Sulla efficacia del blocco delle autovetture nei centri urbani per il
miglioramento della qualità dell'aria”
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