Environmental Engineering Reference
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Urban soils situated lengthways the main streets are: Urbic Regosol, Regosol
and Humic Regosol in Bucharest city, Urbic and Mixic Entiantrosol in Iassy city
and Urbic Mixic and Urbic-Alluvic Entiantrosol in Baia Mare city.
Between analyzed heavy metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn), lead is the
chemical element that has been found at pollutant level in soils at all three locations.
Lead concentration in the three municipalities' soils, at medium level content,
exceed the maximum allowable limit values by 1.5 times (Bucharest), 1.2 times
(Iassy), and 7.9 times (Baia Mare).
Pedogegeochemic (PAI) and Geochemic (GAI) abundance indexes values are
small for Cr, Cu, Mn and Ni (around one value), showing in this way geogenic
origin of these chemical elements, while high values of the same abundance
indexes for Cd, Pb and Zn reveal a significant anthropogenic contribution.
Urban soils situated lengthways the main streets of Baia Mare are polluted with
lead, zinc, copper and cadmium, while urban soils at similar locations in
Bucharest and Iassy are contaminated very severe with lead and zinc, severe
with copper, and moderate with cadmium.
The greatest part of total pollutant chemical elements (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) is
present in the soluble fraction (soil solution) and potential soluble (exchangeable
fraction and organic matter bound fraction).
1. Lacatusu R, Lungu M, Kovacsocics B, Breaban I-G, Rusu C, Risnoveanu I (2005) Heavy met-
als in urban soils of Iassy municipium (Romania), Proceedings of 2nd International Conference
“Disaster and Pollution Monitoring”, Iassy, 17-19 November 2005, pp. 175-182
2. Manta DS, Angelone M, Bellanca A, Neri R, Sprovieri M (2002) Heavy metals in urban soils:
a case study from the city Palermo (Sicily), Italy, Science of Total Environment, 300:229-243
3. Davies BE (1990) Lead in heavy metals in soils, BJ Alloway (ed), Blackie & Son, Glasgow/London
4. Kamal AAM, Eldamaty SE, Faris R (1991) Blood lead level of Cairo traffic policeman, The
Science of Total Environment, 105:165-170
5. Monaci F, Moni F, Lanciotti E, Grechi D, Bargagli R (2000) Biomonitoring of airborne metals
in urban environments: new tracers of vehicle emission, in place of lead, Environment
Pollution, 107:321-327
6. Lacatusu R, Lacatusu A-R, Lungu M, Breaban IG (2008) Macro- and microelements abundance in
some urban soils from Romania, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 3:73-81
7. Lacatusu R, Kovacsovics B (1994) Soils heavy metals fractioning method, RNSSS
Publications, 28A:187-194 (published in Romanian)
8. Lacatusu R, Ghelase I (1992) On abundance of heavy metals in soil, Environment (Mediul
inconjurator), III, 4:45-53 (published in Romanian)
9. Fiedler HJ, Rösler HJ (1988) Spurenelemente in der Umwelt, Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart
10. Kloke A (1980) Richtwerte `80. Orientirungs daten fűr tokerierbare Gezamgehalte Ainiger
Elemente in Kuturböden, mitt. VDULFA, H. 1-3, 9-11
11. Lacatusu R (1998) Appraising levels of soil contamination and pollution with heavy metals,
in Developments for planning the sustainable use of land resources HJ Heineke, W Eckelmann,
A-J Thomasson (eds), European Commission, European Soil Bureau, pp. 393-402
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