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The effect of iron (Fe) and lead (Pb) content on the measured electromagnetic
properties of saturated soil material has been evaluated at a frequency range from
1 to 1,000 kHz. The dielectric constant and the loss factor were studied for soils
contaminated by heavy metals at frequencies from 1 to 1,000 kHz. The research
consummates that both the dielectric constant and the loss factor of soil samples
decrease with increasing frequency.
The presence of heavy metals (Pb and Fe) cause an increase in loss factor of
saturated soil over all frequency ranges from 1 to 1,000 kHz while the dielectric
constant increase at low frequencies (less than 200 kHz) and decrease at high frequen-
cies (higher than 300 kHz). This can be attributed to the electrode polarization at
low frequencies. The results indicate that the measured complex permittivity of
saturated soil may be used as a means of detecting and quantifying heavy metal
contamination in soil.
Complex permittivity
Effective imaginary permittivity
Zero-frequency current (DC) conductivity
Angular frequency (w = 2pƒ)
e o
Permittivity of the free space (e o = 8.85 × 10 -12 F/m)
Imaginary number
1. Hopkin SP (1989) Ecophysiology of Metals in Terrestrial Invertebrates. Elsevier Applied
Science, New York
2. United States Department of Agriculture (2000) Natural Resources Conservation Service. Soil
Quality Institute 411 S. Donahue Dr. Auburn, AL 36832 334-844-4741 X-177, Urban Technical
Note No. 3, Heavy Metal Soil Contamination, September 2000
3. Ross SM (1994) Toxic Metals in Soil-Plant Systems. Wiley, Chichester
4. Alloway BJ (1995) Heavy Metals in Soils. Blackie Academic & Professional, Glasgow
5. Okoye CN, Cotton RR, O'Meara D (1995) Application of resistivity cone penetration testing
for qualitative delineation of creosote contamination in saturated soils. Geoenvironment 2000,
ASCE, New York, NY, pp. 151-160
6. Olheft GR (1986) Direct detection of hydrocarbon and organic chemicals with ground
penetrating radar and complex resistivity, Proceedings of the NWWA/API Conference on
Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water-Prevention, Detection, and
Restoration, Houston, November 12-14, pp. 284-305
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