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important issues related to the transportation system which deserve careful systemic
(integrated) analyses when planning for sustainable mobility. Personal Rapid Transit
(PRT) systems were analyzed in this study as a suitable and attractive alternative trans-
portation system, offering the advantages of private cars while avoiding its negative
sides, leading urban areas towards zero car dependency contributing to a sustainable
mobility vision in the future. Through Karlskrona municipality's case study a specific
strategic planning method for sustainable mobility was defined: the Framework for
Strategic Sustainable Development - Sustainable Mobility (FSSD-SM).
Throughout this paper the terms Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) and Podcar are
used interchangeably and have the same meaning.
Literature review on the issues of economics, behavior change, energy, land-use
and transport modes related to sustainable mobility, as well as analyses of research
projects (especially European Union funded and commissioned) and best practice
cases on sustainable mobility and land use planning around the world.
The Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD) approach, devel-
oped by Dr. Karl-Henrik Robèrt for planning in complex systems, is used here as a
main tool informing the achievement of Strategic Sustainable Development in
Karlskrona's Mobility System. The core elements of this methodology are the back
casting process and the four sustainability principles which guide to a complete
understanding of the unsustainable current reality as well as to serve as constraints
for development of the vision of success in the future [1] .
Compliance with these four principles was the basis for planning for a sustain-
able mobility society in Karlskrona in 2050, using the ABCD tool in order to perform
its sustainability analysis, identifying its mobility current reality, a vision for its
sustainable mobility in 2050 with zero car dependency, and compelling measures to
reach this vision. Back casting from Karlskrona's mobility vision assisted the strat-egic
planning process, ensuring that the actions will lead the municipality closer to its
sustainable vision, bridging the gap between the current reality and the envisioned
future. External advisors reviews and peer reviews completed the methods.
Sustainable Mobility and Car Dependence
Car dependence is a persistent problem of our present society. The car is the domi-
nant form of maintaining personal mobility in a very attractive manner. Its benefits
are difficult to match: it is a door-to-door transportation system available at any
time, the means to gaining access to life necessities and employment, and a source
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