Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 2
Mohammad Miransari
Department of Soil Science, College of Agricultural Sciences,
Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
Soils are great and valuables sources as are necessary for many
different processes including crop production and environmental health.
Soils are the products of weathering processes after a few hundred years
and hence, significant efforts must be made to keep and control
processes, which may result in soil loss, including soil erosion. Topsoil is
the most important soil layer as it is the main source of nutrients for
plants and microbes and hence biologically is very active. Topsoil
properties are determined by different factors including, rock material,
biological activities, topography, time and climate. With respect to their
great significance and applicability, methods such as cover plants must be
used to keep soil versus eroding parameters such as wind and water. Soil
erosion is a major factor polluting environmental sources including water
and decreasing their related efficiency. In addition, as a result of soil
erosion the applicability of soil as a source of nutrients for plants and
microbes decreases. In this article some of the most important parameters,
which are interactive with topsoil including organic matter, soil microbes,
erosion, plant growth and chemicals and hence the environment
efficiency are reviewed. Accordingly, some ideas, which may enhance
topsoil efficiency, are also indicated.
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