Agriculture Reference
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Puyalto-Moussu, C., Saison, A. & Leconte, D. (2004) Myoglobinurie
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van Galen, G., Amory, H., Busschers, E., Cassart, D., de Bruijn, M., Gerber,
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van Galen, G., Marcillaud Pitel, C., Saegerman, C., Patarin, F., Amory, H.,
Bailly, J.D., Cassart, D., Gerber, V., Hahn, C.N, Harris, P., Keen, J.A.,
Kirschvink, N., Lefere, L., Mcgorum, B., Muller, J.M.V., Picavet, M.T.,
Piercy, R., Roscher, K., Serteyn, D., Unger, L., Van Der Kolk, J.H., Van
Loon, G., Verwilghen, D., Westermann, C.M. & Votion, D.-M. (2011a).
European outbreaks of atypical myopathy in grazing equids (2006-2009)
Part I: Spatiotemporal distribution, history and clinical features.
Submited for publication.
van Galen, G., Saegerman, C., Marcillaud Pitel, C., Patarin, F., Amory, H.,
Bailly, J.D., Cassart, D., Gerber, V., Hahn, C.N, Harris, P., Keen, J.A.,
Kirschvink, N., Lefere, L., Mcgorum, B., Muller, J.M.V., Picavet, M.T.,
Piercy, R., Roscher, K., Serteyn, D., Unger, L., Van Der Kolk, J.H., Van
Loon, G., Verwilghen, D., Westermann, C.M. & Votion, D.-M. (2011b).
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