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Thus, we have completed the conversion into the conditional probabilities j p a
which we again update with respect to the accepted and rejected recommendations
according to Algorithm 4.1 to obtain the updated conditional probabilities 1 p a .
Using the inverse mappings F 1
and G 1
S a , we reconvert them into our internal
single probabilities 1 p [ a ] . We then carry the unconditional probabilities of the
recommendations 1
Π a
Π a over unchanged to the next update step.
Algorithm 5.3: Update of the internal from conditional probabilities for
multiple recommendations
Input: vector of i nte rnal probabilities j p ½ and fixed probabilities j
Π a , delivered
recommendations a ¼ a 1 ,
, a k
Þ , index of product t ra nsition l , step size
α j
Output: updated vector of internal probabili tie s 1 p ½ and 1
Π a
1: proce d ure UPDA T E_P_DP_MULTI( j p ½ , j
Π a , a , l ,
α j )
j p fg ¼ G S a
j p ½
conversion into intermediate
j p a
j p fg
¼ F j
conversion into conditional probabilities
Π a
1 p a : ¼ U PD ATE_P_
SIN GL E( j p a , l ,
α j )
update of conditional probabilities
1 p fg ¼ F 1
1 p a
conversion into intermediate probabilities
Π a
1 p ½ ¼ G 1
S a
1 p fg
conversion into internal probabilities
Π a
Π a
unchanged take-over of the fixed
return ( 1 p ½ ,
Π a )
end procedure
A closer look at Algorithm 5.3 reveals that it may be arranged in a different way by
updating the conditional recommendation probabilities in a bundle by means of
Algorithm 4.2 and updating the unconditional
Indeed, since the unconditional probabilities of the recommended products s 0
S a
Π a , also their sum X
s 0
are kept fix, i.e.,
Π a ¼
p ss 0 does not change, and due to
S a
p ss 0 ¼ 1 X
s 0 ∈S a
p ss 0
also the sum of all unconditional probabilities of the
s 0 2S a
non-recommended products is constant. Thus, if one of the recommendations is
accepted, all unconditional probabilities remain unchanged. Only if no recommen-
dation is accepted, the unconditional probabilities of the non-recommended products
will change (but not their sum).
In order to formulate the algorithm, let us denote all parts of vectors
corresponding to the recommended products by index c and t othe
non-recommended products by index u . Especially, we denote p ½
p ½
ss 0
s 0 ∈S a
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