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r π þ γ P π w π ,
w π ¼ ^
ð 3
17 Þ
where the vectors of the action values w π and rewards
r π together with the matrix of
transition probabilities P π are defined as follows:
T ,
w π ¼ q π s 1 ;
q π s 1 ;
q π s N ;
a 1
a 2
Þ ...
a M
T ,
r π ¼ ^
r π s 1 ;
r π s 1 ;
Þ ... ^
r π s N ;
a 1
a 2
a M
ðÞ¼ X
s 0
ð 3
18 Þ
p ss 0 r ss 0 ,
p s , a , s 0 , a 0 ðÞ¼p ss 0 π s 0 , a 0 :
r π s
We now exemplarily consider the state-value function and define the Bellman
operator T π for a policy
T π ðÞ¼r π þ γ
P π v
and consider the iteration
¼ T π v k :
v 1
ð 3
19 Þ
The following proposition can be easily shown.
Proposition 3.1 For all MDPs, each policy has a unique and finite state-value
function, which is the unique fix point of the iteration defined in Equation ( 3.19 ).
The iteration converges to its unique fix point at asymptotic rate
for any initial
guess. The asymptotic rate is attained in l .
Thus, Proposition 3.1 ensures that in each policy evaluation step of the policy
iteration, we will find a unique solution of the Bellman equation.
We now turn our attention to the existence and uniqueness of an optimal policy
*, that is, a policy fulfilling
v π
v π ,
π Π M ,
Π M is the space of all policies of the Markov decision process M . The
following theorem provides the desired result.
Theorem 3.1 The policy iteration terminates after a finite number of iterations
with the tuple (
* , v π * ) .
Thus, it turns out that the convergence of the policy iteration does not require
further specific assumptions.
At the same time, iteration ( 3.19 ) answers the open question of Sect. 3.4 for a
solution method of the Bellman equation for a given policy
. In case we are
working with the action-value function instead of the state-value function, as, for
example, in Sect. 3.6 , everything described here carries over to the action values
w π , and we obtain instead of ( 3.19 ) the fix point equation
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