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Fig. 12.17 Class hierarchy of recommendation agents
12.2.3 The RL-Based Recommendation Package
The package Recomm contains the framework and algorithms for applying RL to
recommendation engines following the approach of this topic.
The central class RecommAgent extends RLAgent for RE applications.
Based on the categorization described in Chap. 5 , the class PRecommAgent
extends RecommAgent and contains the implementation of the P-Version
(Sect. 5.1 ) . It is extended by DPRecommAgent for the conditional DP algorithm
(Sect. 5.2 ). In the same way, the class with the historically established name
StandardRecommAgent extends RecommAgent for unconditional TD agents.
TDRecommAgent extends StandardRecommAgent for the conditional TD algo-
rithm. The class hierarchy of the recommendation agents is depicted in Fig. 12.17 .
All recommendation agents have a sister settings class as well. The settings
classes are organized in a similar hierarchy as their associated agents. In particular,
the agent settings class of RecommAgent is RecommAgentSettings and extends
RLAgentSettings of the RLAgent . For example, DPRecommAgent has a settings
class DPRecommAgentSettings .
All recommendation agents implement the central Agent method
public Action learnApply(MiningVector learnApplyVector);
It is basically used for learning since we remember that learning for REs is done
with a one-step delay. In order to get the recommendations, the qfunction object of
the RLAgent shall be used in combination with a desired policy.
The learnApply methods of all recommendation agents require an object of
RecommVector as argument and work in a stateless mode. This allows mixed
learning from multiple sessions. RecommVector extends SarsaVector and stores
the tuple (state, action,
reward, next state, next action). However, unlike
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