Database Reference
In-Depth Information Mining Settings
MiningSettings contains the general parameters of a mining model independent
of the specific mining algorithm that has created the model. For instance, an
association rule settings class must contain the minimum support and confidence
parameters because they are required for each association rule model. In con-
trast, parameters like the decomposition size, which is required for specific
association rule decomposition algorithms, are contained in the algorithm-
specific parameter class MiningAlgorithmSpecification that will be described in
the next section.
MiningSettings has a reference to its mining model. The most important variable
of MiningSettings is dataSpecification of the class MiningDataSpecification. It
contains the metadata of the training data used to build the model and is referred
to as the metadata of the mining model .
MiningSettings contains a verifySettings method which checks all parameters of
the settings class for correctness and completeness.
Similar to MiningModel , each class representing a type of data mining settings
extends MiningSettings. For the example at the beginning of this section, the
settings of association rule models are contained in the class AssociationRule-
Settings which extends MiningSettings. Of course, this is the settings class associ-
ated with AssociationRuleMiningModel mentioned in the previous section.
Along with all mining models, XELOPES provides their associated settings
classes containing all basic parameters of the respective models.
MiningSettings contains the same variables function and algorithm for storing
the function and algorithm type of the mining model. Their values are identical to
those of the associated mining model. Mining Algorithm Specification
The algorithm-specific class MiningAlgorithmSpecification contains the function
and algorithm, the name, the class path, the version, and an array of specific
parameters of a mining algorithm. This array contains the specific parameters
defined by the MiningAlgorithmParameter class. Every parameter is described
by its name, type, value, description, and setter method and contains the refer-
ence to its associated MiningAlgorithmSpecification object.
In most XELOPES distributions, the complete information of MiningAlgorithm-
Specification for all algorithms and parameters is stored in the configuration file
algorithms.xml .
Example 12.8 Example of the section of the fast sequential algorithm Sequential of
algorithms.xml :
< AlgorithmSpecification name ¼ "Sequential"
function ¼ "Sequential"
algorithm ¼ "sequenceAnalysis"
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