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n , the TT-SVD with
( 9.14 ) computes a tensor T in the TT format with compression ranks t k such that:
Theorem 9.2 (Theorem 2.2 in [Os11]) For each tensor A
d 1
1 ε
k F
k ,
ε k ¼kE k k F of all unfoldings A k ¼ R k + E k as in step 4 of the TT algorithm.
From Theorem 9.2 the following corollary can de deduced [Os11].
n and rank bounds t k , the best approximation
to A in the Frobenius norm with TT-ranks bounded by t k (denoted by T*) always
exists, and the TT-approximation T computed by the TT-SVD algorithm is
Corollary 9.1 Given a tensor A
d 1
k F
k F :
Thus from Theorem 9.2, it immediately follows that for a prescribed relative
of the TT-SVD algorithm, we just need to select
d 1
δ ¼
kk F :
This is a very nice (and constructive!) result. Remember that the truncated
HOSVD is in general not the optimal Tucker decomposition, although it usually
shows good approximation properties. In contrast, the TT-SVD provides us with the
(quasi-) optimal TT decomposition.
The tensor-train decomposition also possesses many other advantages; see [Os11,
OT09]. Unlike the canonical decomposition, it has stable ranks. Basic tensor opera-
tions (Sect. 9.1.1 ) can be efficiently implemented. Here, efficient recompression
procedures play an important role since many basic linear algebra operations with
TT-tensors (addition, matrix-by-vector product, etc.) yield increased ranks.
Recompression (or rounding ) describes the rank reduction if a tensor is already
given in TT format but with suboptimal ranks t k (i.e., too large). Ivan Oseledets,
who is - along with Eugene Tyrtyshnikov - one of the pioneers in the TT area,
developed a general TT recompression algorithm with linear complexity in d and n .
Of course, the TT-SVD algorithm is not suited for large mode sizes, for the same
reason as the HOSVD: the unfolding matrices are usually too large. But, like in the
3D-Tucker case, other techniques can be used. In fact, recall that due to the com-
plexity bound ( d 2) nt 2 +2 nt , the TT format is linear in both d and n .Soprovided
the compression ranks are not too high, it can be efficiently used to approximate high-
dimensional problems of high mode sizes. The development of efficient algorithms
for the TT approximation is currently under way. Beside ALS, again the cross-
approximation technique [OT10] is very powerful. In order to determine optimal
compression ranks, the DMRG scheme looks promising [SO11].
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