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Table 8.1 Example of a
session matrix of a web shop
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4
Product 1 0
Product 2 1
Product 3 0
statistical models, however, entails some major computational impediments,
including intractable integrals and non-convex optimization, making a realtime
implementation very difficult. The alternative approach consists in treating all
variables as observed by assigning the value 0 to the unknown ratings. Although
this may appear somewhat helter-skelter at the first glance, it may be rationalized
by considering not visiting a product as a transaction corresponding to the lowest
possible rating. Assuming, furthermore, that many of the zero entries are due to
noise rather than intrinsic, we may put the approach on a sound footing. We will
return to this discussion in Sect. 8.5 .
Now we consider a matrix of rewards A
n p n s with n s being the current
number of sessions and n p the number of different products over all sessions
observed so far. Neither the order of sessions nor the order of products within the
sessions is taken into account.
∈ R
Example 8.1 As an example, we consider a web shop with 3 products and 4
sessions, i.e., n p ¼ 3 and n s ¼ 4. The session values are displayed in Table 8.1 .
In terms of the reward assignment described above, this means, e.g., for session
2, product 1 has been clicked, whereas products 2 and 3 have moreover been added
to the basket. In session 3, product 1 has been purchased, product 2 has been
clicked, and product 3 has been skipped.
Mathematically, the matrix factorization problems arising in CF are of the form
rn s fA
ð 8
1 Þ
n p r
C 1 R
C 2 R
The rank r is usually chosen to be considerably smaller than n p . The function
f is referred to as the cost function of the factorization and, more often than not,
is chosen to be a metric. It stipulates a notion of quality of a factorization.
The sets C 1 , C 2 determine the parameter space. In terms of our signal processing
metaphor, the factor X characterizes the source, which is restricted to be a
low-dimensional subspace, and the columns Y are the intrinsic low-dimensional
parameter vectors determining the signals given by the corresponding columns
of A .
To put it even simpler, we approximate the matrix A by the product of two
smaller matrices X and Y . The cost function stipulates a notion of “closeness,” i.e.,
distance, of two matrices. Since the rank r is typically much smaller than n p and n s ,
the representation in terms of X and Y is much more compact than an explicit
representation of the entries of A .
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