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Fig. 7.1 The grids of the subspaces W 1 (a) and the corresponding sparse grid (b) for level 4 in two
V ðs n can be splitted accordingly by
Again, any function f
ðÞ X
jj 1 nþd 1
j I 1 α l , j ϕ l , j ðÞ:
ð 7
22 Þ
Definition 7.1 The grids corresponding to the approximation spaces V ðs n are called
sparse grids.
Sparse grids have been studied in detail, e.g., in [Bun92, GMZ92, Zen91]. An
example of a sparse grid for the two-dimensional case is given in Fig. 7.1b .
Now, a straightforward calculation shows that the dimension of the sparse grid
space V ðs n is of the order O ( n d 1 2 n ). For the interpolation problem, as well as for the
approximation problem stemming from second-order elliptic PDEs, it was proven
that the sparse grid solution f ðsÞ
is almost as accurate as the full grid function f n , i.e.,
the discretization error satisfies
L p ¼Oh n
d 1
log h 1
f f
provided that a slightly stronger smoothness requirement on f holds than for the full
grid approach. Here, we need the seminorm
2 d f
j 1
ð 7
23 Þ
Y d
x t
be bounded.
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