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A step toward understanding convergence properties of the method in the
nonsymmetric case is the insight that the operator ( I L ( R T AL ) 1 RA ) transforming
the error vector before to that after the coarse grid projection, that is,
e ,
1 RA
e 0
though not orthogonal in general, is always a projector (i.e., its square equals itself)
along the range of the interpolation operator. Moreover, it can be shown that there is
always an inner product in which the correction operator is an orthogonal projector
(Proposition 3.6.2 in [Pap10]). The iteration matrices corresponding to standard
splittings, however, are no contractions with respect to such an inner product in
general. Hence, it is in some cases easier to analyze the asymptotic convergence
rate of applying the V-cycle procedure in an iterative fashion.
For the sake of completeness, we should mention that it is possible to circumvent
the nonsymmetric case by applying an AMG procedure to the equivalent system
A T Ax ¼ A T b ,
which has a symmetric and positive definite coefficient matrix if A is non-singular.
This approach, however, brings along difficulties of its own. First, the condition of the
symmetrized matrix A T A is square of that of A , which renders the solution consider-
ably more sensitive to perturbations in the data. Furthermore, many structural
features of A, such as sparsity, are not inherited by the symmetrized system. There-
fore, the symmetrized approach turns out to be unsatisfactory in most situations.
With this we come to the last point of this introduction to hierarchical methods for
acceleration of convergence: multilevel splitting can be used in different ways:
directly, as multigrid or as preconditioners, additively and multiplicatively, etc. It
is beyond the scope of this study to present them all individually. We refer here in
particular to the Abstract Schwarz Theory [Os94], which gives unified access via
basis transformations to virtually all multilevel methods - including sparse grids. In
the next sections we will concentrate primarily on the algebraic construction of the
grid hierarchy, fromwhich a wide variety of hierarchical approaches can be derived.
6.2 Multilevel Methods for Reinforcement Learning
We now come to the application of multilevel methods for RL. We consider the
Bellman equation in the form ( 3.15 ) . Let us now define (leaving out the policy
P π
A ¼ I γ
ð 6
9 Þ
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